New Features Launched! (v.1.3)

Caena Financial Modelling

You spoke, we listened! Version 1.3 has exciting new features which enable founders to generate financial models quickly and more efficiently. This include cost projections, linked to your assumptions and the option to get help building your model.

  • Cost Drivers: In the last release we added revenue granularity; we have now added cost granularity . This means your projections are now directly linked to the outflows related to delivering your product, acquiring customers and “keeping the lights on”

  • Book Advisor: 

    Custom financial forecasts for SEIS and EIS 
    Need help coming up with assumptions to generate your financial forecasts? We got you! You can now hire an advisor directly from the platform to help generate and deliver HMRC compliant financial forecasts for your Advance Assurance application. 

    Discovery Call
    Get a free consultation so we can discuss where you are on your journey to building your business and how we can help you with financial modelling and fundraising.

  • Knowledge Base: Our knowledge base is now easily accessible from the platform. We have improved the tool tips for instant help with terms but if you need more details, click “Knowledge Base” for access to more detailed terms, formulas and ‘how-to’ videos.

  • Save Sessions: Your sessions are now instantly saved as you enter inputs so that you can continue at any time and edit your models as many times as you wish.

If you are new to Caena, existing Caena user, we believe you will be pleasantly surprised at how these new features make Caena a more powerful tool for you. If you are an early-stage founder, need to save time and money but haven’t tried the platform, what are you waiting for?

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